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L2full Lineage 2 Interlude Install Disc Iso Image

latibredi1975 2020. 2. 20. 11:03

About Lineage2 BlazeWe've worked hard for more than 8 years to gather all the information for your preferred type of game server - we've put together your ideas, your suggestions, information and researches from different knowledge bases and we've made a lot of tests to make the project as good as you love it. Our goal is to create a masterpiece that everyone can enjoy. We are one of the best server and we will be forever. There are many things we did damn right in the past and we will do much more in the future! Because of that - you're going to see many things you have not seen before on another servers!Our team knows what you want and what we should do!

Looking for quality and technical excellence?You need safety and exceptional security?You seek true adventures, unique game world, exquisite and eventful game?It means you are in right place!Welcome to L2Blaze, only here you will find and enjoy real game!Find a way to real feeling of Lineage2! Check server information, find members or clan in our forum and download our patch:How to connect STEP BY STEP:1. Download and install clean Lineage2 Interlude client2. Download our patch, delete old system folder and add our3. Delete, turn off anti virus or add our system folder to anti virus exceptions4. Run l2.exe from Lineage2/system5.

Enter data on login window and enjoy the game!. You have to remove, turn off or use exceptions of antivirus because of our security protection.

Hidden post: You need login to forum to see it.here is how to log on OOG on bake ice servers.here is a video made by sltbnjr showing you how it works:DYOU FOLLOWED THE GUIDE AND IT DIDN'T WORK FOR YOU PLEASE, READ THE FAQ AT THE END OF THE GUIDE!Tools Needed:1- L2W OOG 10.7.4 ( the one am gonna explain)you can get that from:L2asrv v0.51you can get from:to ' AdlerBR '3-Hosts filealso by ' AdlerBR ' i just made it self extract:are the basics to start botting. Most ppl already have them. Now for by-passing:4- Proxifierto my man AdlerBR Cheesy5-l2 fork to ' sltbnjr '6-C5 to Interlude Packets changer.THANKS to ' sltbnjr '1st we start with the Proxifier.1- install the proxifier2- Start Proxifier3- thats how it should look4- now go there:5- now you should see something like this:1) Insert Insert the port 1999.3) Select SOCKS Version 5.and press OK.now you should have the proxy turned ON6-now proxifier proxy's all your connections on the pc. To make it only proxy BakeIce. Do the following.1)2)3)4)BROWSE TO YOUR BAKE ICE SYSTEM FOLDERSome servers uses gameguard.des instead of gameguard.des5)6)THERE MUST BE ONLYIMPORTANT: MAKE SURE THERE IS ONLY ONE RULE! DELETE THE ONE YOU WILL FIND FIRST TIME YOU CONFIGURE PROXIFIER!7- start l2fork8- start l2asrv.9- start C5toIL.10-start bake ice launcher.11-when you are at the login screen,extract the hosts.12-start walker by using token.exe.now we need to set our OOG walker.here is what we gonna do. In pictures:o123Done.13-enter account and pw and login.14-go to bake ice client.15-enter account and pw and select the server you wish.16- go back to your walker and select the character.17-Enjoy.FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)Q:does this work on all bake ice servers?A:Yes, it does;)Q:How many oog walkers i can open?A:as many as you want.

I opened as much as 5 oog and 2 ig and everything was working nice.Q:My proxifier blocked all my connection D:, dam you! You screwed my computer!A:no i didn't, your just blind or stupid. It is working.and why ur talking like that smart ass.-read the guide twice b4 u start making some of your 'smart' comments. Now i see where you got -1 karma.-@ hax0r, dunno bro.

Never had this error b4. Maybe ur using vista or something? Am using xp sp2 and never got itwhat smart comments? I asked to tell what is remote server, and how the walker knows that client logged i. It's secret or what? BTW i did everything as the guide writes, i read it 6 times, and i get the same.ZoOoOoM on July 06, 2008, 01:31:54 PM. Wtf u mean how walker knows the client is logged.

U log walker. Log bake ice.

Go bake to walker. How difficult is that?and remote server is walker client, all what l2fork does is catch the connection from walker,redirect it to a fake server (dragon 15x),and put it on hold.

Waits for a game server connection connection made by bake ice, and redirects it to the fake server making walker connect to the server u logged on through bake ice.and there is noway u get this error unless u didn't log walker.-tonmp on July 06, 2008, 01:37:54 PM. User, pw to walker, click login. It writes link login server succeeded. Then write user password in bakeice client.

L2full Lineage 2 Interlude Install Disc Iso Image Online


Agree, select server.17:32:44 - Error! No remote connection is waiting17:32:44 - End of Local:LS connectionthen after few seconds walker writes Login LoginServer Timeout.And i thought about, if i don't write nothing to login server proxy, then it probably trying to login to real server. Restart computer if you have launched proxifier2. Launch loader, now you can click on start but DONT do it3. Start the proxifier (for me it always says to run the network configurator, you can find it where you installed proxifier.)4.

Start l2fork,l2asrv,c5toIL5. Now you can click on start button and follow the guide from the login screenIf i lauch Proxifier i cant use msn, and ofcourse the loader. If i restart the computer that solves the problem.

Its very annoying you have to restart the computer. Can someone tell me wath is the problem?Is it possible to play with a normal bake ice client and use OOG at the same time?nuno10 on July 09, 2008, 11:15:08 AM. Restart computer if you have launched proxifier2. Launch loader, now you can click on start but DONT do it3. Start the proxifier (for me it always says to run the network configurator, you can find it where you installed proxifier.)4. Start l2fork,l2asrv,c5toIL5.

Now you can click on start button and follow the guide from the login screenIf i lauch Proxifier i cant use msn, and ofcourse the loader. If i restart the computer that solves the problem. Its very annoying you have to restart the computer. Can someone tell me wath is the problem?Is it possible to play with a normal bake ice client and use OOG at the same time?theres way to dont restart.use Network Configurator again and select remove settings.

It will restore it like pc restartKlaymen on July 09, 2008, 12:32:16 PM. No.The.Net framework is a core component of vista. It's you not following the guide properlySo its bugged. Cuz as i said, i followed the guide, about 30 times, and same problem, l2fork don't give a shit about the walker, when its running and waiting for connection.Walker connects to fork, i see the connections in tcpview, and when i select server, and click ok, then l2fork disconnects walker(saying no remote connection waiting), and l2fork connects to gameserver alone.this screenshot about 3 seconds after i clicked ok. L2 fork is connected, and l2walker is disconnecting, cuz l2fork don't give nothing to it.Nero on July 09, 2008, 11:03:45 PM. Anyone else noticed that if you compile the sources provided. It doesn't work?

Only the precompiled binary works (at least for OOG) the other one always thinks its an unrelated connection.thus the compiled version does not use the same source; thus possibly has also bad stuff inside:/if I were to include 'bad stuff' in my releases you'd think I'd make the source work so smartasses like you don't have anything to cry aboutI never obfuscate my binaries so just go lookfearthis on July 11, 2008, 02:33:37 AM. If I were to include 'bad stuff' in my releases you'd think I'd make the source work so smartasses like you don't have anything to cry aboutI never obfuscate my binaries so just go lookquestion tho i noticed also that the binary!= the source.

(running from VS2k8 it will also drop the gs connection as 'unrelated', using the binary it works always)maybe its your mistake while archiving it, i don't know. Why not release the exact source then? Probably the error is easy to fix, but would be as easy if you had put the exact source oOsltbnjr on July 11, 2008, 11:32:27 AM. @ yep, you must be abit fast with the login process. If you didn't login fast enough you will get timeout at gameserver.basically. All what u need to do is:start proxifier,l2asrv,l2fork,c5toilstart bakeice and wait until you see the login screen then extract hostsstart walker from token.exeset the gameserver proxylogin walkerlogin bakeice and select your desired servergo back to walker. If you've set your walker to auto log 1st char.

Then you will be logged on it.to log other character than the first one.make the character selection either manual or the number you other character is.and at the people asking for scripts.how to use walker. USE SEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Periodidontcare1 on July 12, 2008, 11:25:18 PM. ZoOoOoM check my screenshot, i think im doing all right: -my system folder, got 'gameguard.des';'gameguard.des'and'gameguard(2).des', i choosed 'gameguard.des' should i choose other?you're not doing it right, the L2 client screenshot shows that you're using L2Fork's login (1 server only in the selection window) instead of connecting to DN (all servers in the selection window).

Make sure you're using the bakeice client that connects to DN (not the L2.exe directly with a modified l2.ini)also its gameguard.des, but if you wanna make sure, just run the game normally and open the task manager (ctrl alt sup or right click on the task bar) and check if you have a GameGuard.des process running (or one with a diff name)Yep on July 14, 2008, 09:52:57 AM. You're not doing it right, the L2 client screenshot shows that you're using L2Fork's login (1 server only in the selection window) instead of connecting to DN (all servers in the selection window). Make sure you're using the bakeice client that connects to DN (not the L2.exe directly with a modified l2.ini)also its gameguard.des, but if you wanna make sure, just run the game normally and open the task manager (ctrl alt sup or right click on the task bar) and check if you have a GameGuard.des process running (or one with a diff name)i dont play DN, and i have only one bake-ice.exe:oVegetto on July 14, 2008, 10:50:43 AM. Pairno auta ston Fork16:34:34 - Debug build16:34:34 - Using Proxy: False16:34:34 - Starting. 18:21:53 - Local listen thread exit18:21:53 - Remote listen thread exit18:21:53 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '7777'18:21:53 - New SOCKS connection for - Proxy kicked18:21:54 - Proxy GS connection-Add to queue18:21:54 - Error!

No remote connection is waiting18:22:16 - End of Local:LS connectionWHYYY????proxifier running(and set up), c5toil running, l2fork running walker started with token.exe, proxying gameserver port 3333login in walker, log in client, select server ok(BEFORE WALKER TIMEOUT), and ^^hanis on July 15, 2008, 03:03:11 PM. None of my releases are obfuscatedjust use a.net decompiler(Xenocode Fox is a very decent one, and the free version works perfect) and you'll have the source even with variable names and everythingits not obfucation its just easier to have the source code than copy pasting source and arranging missing things etc (using a cil decompiler when its not obfuscated). I'm not using it to verify if your code is malware but to be able to modify the program myself and test stuffmcshell on July 18, 2008, 04:56:43 AM. How can i play with IG and OOG walker together?First you need a working ingame walker. Here is the guide.First start ingame walker. (You can start outgame first but i prefer to start ingame first:P). If you logged in succesfully you can start token.exe.

Then go to the bake ice client and go back to the login screen. From now you can follow the outgame walker guide from step 11. I hope it will work for you.LaughingMan on July 20, 2008, 08:16:13 PM. @xabe54, this is oog walker,its made basically for farming and farmers.

If you want to enjoy lineage2 gfx,use ig walker;)@cuppacoffee from what i read. You mean that when u select server on bakeice it doesn't go to character screen? If so,then nothing wrong.your not supposed to see character screen,tho u should see your character on walker,if u still got problems,post your l2fork log pleasePS: i can't use oog walker 10.7.4 anymore. I get error and i cant seem to fix it. Only got this after reinstalling windows,if anyone encountered this problem and solved it,please reply;Dazizilaika on July 30, 2008, 11:34:08 AM. @cuppacoffee from what i read.

You mean that when u select server on bakeice it doesn't go to character screen? If so,then nothing wrong.your not supposed to see character screen,tho u should see your character on walker,if u still got problems,post your l2fork log pleaseOk thanks. I misunderstood the guide then. Gotta try again:PEdit:Thanks a lot:)Working like a charm now.Just one more question.I remember when I was using IG walker there was a very simple map showing just your location and where the mobs/players etc. Is there such a thing here in OOG? I found that simple map very handy:)Edit #2:nvm me.

I was being blind and unpatient. Found it:POzzYKL on August 01, 2008, 12:34:16 PM. 18:21:53 - Local listen thread exit18:21:53 - Remote listen thread exit18:21:53 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '7777'18:21:53 - New SOCKS connection for - Proxy kicked18:21:54 - Proxy GS connection-Add to queue18:21:54 - Error!

No remote connection is waiting18:22:16 - End of Local:LS connectionWHYYY????proxifier running(and set up), c5toil running, l2fork running walker started with token.exe, proxying gameserver port 3333login in walker, log in client, select server ok(BEFORE WALKER TIMEOUT), and ^^Amazing guide.I have the same error, but with 10.7.1, 10.7.4 crit errors when I try and open token.exe, I just moved the token into 10.7.1 and it loaded correctly, although I get the same error as the guy above. Many people seem to have this issue, also with 10.7.4 crit erroring, any solutions would be greatly appreciated.simosis on August 04, 2008, 09:58:58 PM. I Have problemWhen i open walker, he normal open and have full information for my Lineage 2 char.But when i select the serwer. Lineage 2 not login to serwer.PROXFIER bloked select the serwerPo polskuteraz:-)Wszstko mi dziala do momentu wyboru serwera. Nawet L2walker sie poprawnie uruchamia i sciaga wszystkie dane o mojej postaci. Potem sie loguje do gry z klienta i gdy mam wybrac serwer to sie nie da. Jednak L2walker jest caly czas zalogowany.

A ja nie moge wejsc do gry.To tak jakby wybranie serwera blokowal PROXFIER.Co zrobictonmp on August 12, 2008, 11:50:50 AM. 13:31:46 - Debug build13:31:46 - Using Proxy: False13:31:46 - Starting. SOCKS1999 LOCAL2106 OOG210713:31:54 - New local connection2107 Handle13:31:58 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '2106' Handle13:32:02 - Remote listen thread exit13:32:02 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '7777'13:32:02 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection13:32:02 - Local listen thread exit13:32:02 - New SOCKS connection for - Proxy kicked13:32:03 - Proxy GS connection-Add to queue13:32:03 - Error! No remote connection is waiting.

This means the walker didn't connect to the fake server (l2fork) there for there is no connection waiting.cause is probably you didn't start walker with token.exe,or using wrong token.or connecting to wrong ip.if you used the walker i uploaded with the settings.then you should have none of the problems i just mentioned.probably just you didn't start from token.exei can't use that, cuz its not working (start, and 100% cpu, no more) i tried with 10.7.1 it's working, and i used token.exe with correct token, but i get that error.ZoOoOoM on August 14, 2008, 12:58:10 AM. @wachstiel am sorry man. I tried every logout/disc option. On players attack, on players range, when HP. I have (for what I've seen) a tipical problem. I followed the guide step by step, log in the walker, log in with the bake ice but when I select the server the walker keeps telling me 'Login GameServer Time out'.

Like what I've to do? Because when put my login and password, then accept the terms the server is alredy selected, should I press there again or something? Some help here t.thave vista too, and for you 10.7.4 working. How did make it to work? Are u using 32bit, or 64 bit vista? Sp1 or non sp1?tonmp on August 16, 2008, 11:57:41 AM. 10:08:28 - Local:Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.10:08:28 - Removed a gameconnection10:08:28 - Remote:Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.i get this in l2fork.

No idea what it meansalso this in l2w:10:08:28 PacketProcess Error.1300almsot same shit but in l2w enter char1 then don't log like must.help pl0xSem on August 16, 2008, 05:32:27 PM. Maybe someone will know. What it can be?

If i try to run Token.exe nothing happen. Nothing open. No window, even no error.just. When i try to run it via L2Walker.exe it gives me that same effect:/. And this is only for L2W OOG 10.7.4.

Other (older or newest) version run perfectly. (When i say run perfectly i mean they start as they should, but they wont connect).So how i can solve the problem? I read thet 10.7.4 is NECESSARY to use with Dragon. Or maybe there is a way to use other version of OGG in DN? So how i can prepare it to run?Via 1st problem - it maybe hellpfull, i have XP SP2, NET.

Installed etc. Really dont know:/and BTW, why this topic isn't sticked yet?Sem on August 17, 2008, 07:48:02 AM. Maybe someone will know. What it can be? If i try to run Token.exe nothing happen.

Nothing open. No window, even no error.just.

When i try to run it via L2Walker.exe it gives me that same effect:/. And this is only for L2W OOG 10.7.4. Other (older or newest) version run perfectly. (When i say run perfectly i mean they start as they should, but they wont connect).So how i can solve the problem?


L2full Lineage 2 Interlude Install Disc Iso Image Windows 10

I read thet 10.7.4 is NECESSARY to use with Dragon. Or maybe there is a way to use other version of OGG in DN?

L2full Lineage 2 Interlude Install Disc Iso Image Windows 7

So how i can prepare it to run?Via 1st problem - it maybe hellpfull, i have XP SP2, NET. Installed etc. Really dont know:/and BTW, why this topic isn't sticked yet?try double click 1 time on token.exe if nothing happen try again.my token.exe open always for second time.muaddib on August 17, 2008, 08:14:42 AM.

So every time i click token.exe or l2walker.exe i always get stupid error message saying 'l2walker.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.' And then another little box pops up saying 'l2walker not found' anyone know whats the problem and how to fix it?:/Have that same with 10.7.4. But no error, just Walker not found. Seems that 10.7.4. Is buggy or something:/ Don't wont even start.You should check the Option.ini and position Walker name should be axectly like your version of L2Wdenix on August 19, 2008, 12:42:40 PM.

I have an idea. It would be much easier to log in with oog by bypassing bakeice, with a little plus function in l2fork.As you can see this bypass working like this.

Login with walker, that connects to l2fork (when it's like a virtual login server), then you log in with bakeice client, and when you did this, l2fork says to walker that it's logged in, and reroute the gameserver connection from bakeice client to walker.But it would be easier to login with walker if l2fork can save the login packets, and use the saved data when the walker requests login.Fe.Start l2fork, start bakeice client, proxify it to fork, and log in with all account what you want to use with walker. When you log in, l2fork would save the login packets to a file, and when you wanna log in with walker, l2fork just loads the login packets what belong to that account, send them to server, then route the gs connection to walker, like it's doing now, and you don't need to start l2 client to log in with oog.It would be nice if someone can make this. Maybe i'll try if i can get l2fork's source code, but it's written in c# and im java programmer, so maybe i'll have some problems with it:)wachstiel on August 21, 2008, 09:17:35 AM. 23:10:18 - Debug build23:10:18 - Using Proxy: False23:10:18 - Starting.